March 12 - May 4, 2025 - Rebecca Girouard

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About Rebecca Girouard

My passion in creating art is to invite the viewer into nature's surroundings where the forest and seas are most prominent. These paintings provide an opportunity for a journey, when sometimes I have been unable to physically venture forth. My work is most often seen at a distance and not close up. Texture, which provides a tactile quality, along with applying drawing techniques for immediacy and the use of palette knives brings a unique aspect to my paintings.

More recently, I have begun to create what I call "Spirit Paintings". These are the result of me tapping into Source Energy as well as those who have passed on, allowing the images to show themselves. As an Intuitive Energy Healer, I have found this process to be deeply moving. Many of these paintings are done mostly with palette knives and are larger in scale. 

Artistically, I studied at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design for my foundational studies and have continued with art education with various artists across Canada, the US and Europe. I am self-taught in Acrylics, and have also produced Ink Brush drawings, Graphite drawings, Graphite Wash paintings, Charcoal, Pastel and Watercolours.

My work was accepted and sold at the Sooke Fine Arts Show in 2010.

Over the past 21 years of living in Sooke, I have been an avid supporter of providing art to our local charitable organizations for fund raising, as well as to the Sooke Secret Garden Tour and Beach Art En Plein Air.

Featured Artworks by Rebecca Girouard

For her full show please visit 2043 Church Road, Sooke


Describe your creative process and how you go about starting and completing a finished piece.


When starting a piece, I most often go through a process of doing some pencil sketches, line drawings and work with values. As an intuitive painter, I feel my subject which tells me what size of canvas or surface the piece deserves and whether I will work in acrylic, soft pastel or watercolour. Following the preparation of the surface, I go back to my subject and consider the colours and mediums I may work with, then editing the colours making sure I have cohesion.

Next, I'll lay down an underpainting along with a line drawing of the subject/scene. I tend to block in roughly with the main colours. This allows me to see the composition and colour relationship. When I go to work on the surface, the subject shows me whether I will be working with palette knives or brushes. Most of my work would be seen as Impressionist, RepresentationaI, or Abstract. I tend to work back and forth, moving around the painting, evaluating mark making, movement, and sensing the "what else is needed". Layering paints provides the texture I adore. I also enjoy adding an element of surprise.

When is a painting finished? This is the hardest question to answer. I tend to get drawn into my paintings and "fiddle". The question of "what else?" remains in the back of my mind. So what I do is go over the list of the elements of art along with the list of the principles of art. If the painting I am working on has all of these elements, then I'm done and have to step away.

What are you most inspired by and how is this reflected in your work?


I have always been inspired by the wonders of nature since I was a small child and intrigued by the dynamic beauty of landscape, the seas and incredible light show that the sun and weather affords us. In my youth and young adulthood, I had so many unique experiences hiking and climbing in the peaks and mountains of the Pacific Northwest along with sailing on the lakes, sounds and straits, fishing and clamming along the shores of the Pacific Ocean and later on in life, being able to scuba dive on the East Coast of Canada. All of this provided me with a depth of tactile and emotional experiences that I relate in my subject matter, bringing forth the atmospheric and textured paintings I have been known for.

What are your artistic goals and how does your work contribute to your community?


My artistic goals and to continue to paint and evolve as an artist. I don't have a "style" per se, as I feel and intuit the subjects. I do have an interest in expanding into mixed media. As well, I would very much love to mentor others in the development of their artistic endeavors.

I feel my work contributes to our community in that over many years, I have donated several of my paintings for charitable fundraisers. This year, I was chosen to participate in the Habitat for Humanity's Open A Door Auction project, which I'm very excited about.

My works most often portray the exceptional and hidden beauty in our hamlet by the sea.

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