Sooke Arts Council provides our members with fresh inspiration and opportunities to showcase their talent in themed gallery shows. You are invited to create, exhibit and share in the joy that is art!
Celebration of Colour - Artist Call
Join us in celebrating colour and those that bring us joy! Pull out all the stops. Create something in a different palette or in contrasting ways. Challenge yourself and delight in the bright, bold and unexpected.
Show Dates: April 16th to June 1st
Submission Deadline: April 11th
Intake: 1-4pm, April 13
Destination - Artist Call
Join us in celebrating destinations and those places that allow us to create! Do you have a favourite place? Where brings out your creativity? What's your destination?
Show Dates: June 4th to July 13th
Submission Deadline: May 30th
Intake: 1-4pm, May 30th
Show Dates: January 15 to February 22
Submission Deadline: January 11
Intake: 1-4pm, January 12
Pick Up: February 23
Under Our Feet
Show Dates: February 26 to April 13
Submission Deadline: Feb 21st
Intake: 1-4pm, February 23rd
Pick Up: April 13
Celebration of Colour
Show Dates: April 16th to June 1st
Submission Deadline: April 11th
Intake: 1-4pm, April 13
Pick Up: June 1st
Show Dates: June 4th to July 13th
Submission Deadline: May 30th
Intake: 1-4pm, June 1st
Pick Up: July 12
Mixed Media
Show Dates: July 16th to August 31st
Submission Deadline: July 10th
Intake: 1-4pm, July 12
Pick Up: August 31st
Poetics '25
Show Dates: September 3rd to October 12
Submission Deadline: MULTI-TIMELINE TBA
Intake: 1-4pm, August 31st
Pick Up: October 12th
Still Life
Show Dates: October 15th to November 16th
Submission Deadline: October 10th
Intake: 1-4pm, October 12th
Pick Up: November 13
Christmas Show
Show Dates: November 19th to December 24
Submission Deadline: Nov 11th
Intake: November 13
Pick Up: Dec 24
Mailing: PO Box 46 Sooke, BC V9Z 0E4
Gallery Phone: 250.642.0208
Hours of Operation:
Wed - Sun, 11am to 4pm
The Sooke Arts Council is a registered not-for-profit society funded by the BC Arts council and the District of Sooke.